Recent Publications
Selected Recent Publications
- Lainez NM, Jonak CF, Nair MG, Ethell IM, Wilson EH, Carson MJ, Coss D (2018) Diet-Induced Obesity Elicits Macrophage Infiltration and Reduction in Spine Density in the Hypothalami of Male but Not Female Mice. Frontiers in Immunology 9:1992
- Peng X, Madany AM, Jang JC, Valdez JM, Riva Z, Burr AC, Grinberg YY, Nordgren TM, Nair MG, Cocker D, Carson MJ, Lo DD (2018) Continuous Inhalation Exposure to Fungal Allergen Particulates Induces Lung Inflammation While Reducing Innate Immune Molecule Expression in the Brainstem. ASN Neuro 10:1-17.
- Abud EM, Ramirez RN, Martinez ES, Healy LM, Nguyen CHH, Newman SA, Yeromin AV, Scarfone VM, Marsh SE, Fimbres C, Caraway CA, Fote GM, Madany AM, Agrawal A, Kayed R, Gylys KH, Cahalan MD, Cummings BJ, Antel JP, Mortazavi A, Carson MJ, Poon WW, Blurton-Jones M (2017) IPSC derived human microglia-like cells to study neurologic disease. Neuron 94:278-293
- Hernandez AH, Donovan V, Grinberg YY, Obenaus A, Carson MJ. (2016) Differential detection of impact site versus rotational site injury by magnetic resonance imaging and microglial morphology in an unrestrained mild closed head injury model. Journal of Neurochemistry 136(s1) 18-28. Recommended by Faculty of 1000
- Carson MJ (2016) Recruiting pro-inflammatory monocytes to ischemic injuries: On the job training required! Brain Behav Immun. 53:16-7.
- Heneka MT, Carson MJ et al. (2015) Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's Disease. Lancet Neurol. 14(4):388-405.
- Barnes MA, Carson MJ, Nair MG. (2015) Non-traditional cytokines: How catecholamines and adipokines influence macrophages in immunity, metabolism and the central nervous system. Cytokine. 72:210-9.
- Binder DK, Carson MJ, (2013) Glial cells as primary therapeutic targets for epilepsy. Neurochem Int. 63:635-7.
- Davis DS, Carson MJ. (2013) An introduction to CNS-Resident Microglia: Definitions, Assays and Functional Roles in Health and Disease. In Neural-Immune Interactions in Brain Function and Alcohol Disorders, pp3-29. Springer Press, Cui C, Grandison L, Noronha A, eds,.
- Carson MJ. and Wilson EH. (2013) Visualizing chemokine-dependent T cell activation and migration in response to central nervous system infection. Methods Mol Biol. 1013:171-83.
- Donovan V, Bianchi A, Hartman R, Bhanu B, Carson MJ, Obenaus A. (2012) Computational analysis reveals increased blood deposition following repeated mild traumatic brain injury. NeuroImage: clinical 1:18-28.
Old Favorites
- Puntambekar SS, Davis DS, Hawel L 3rd, Byus CV, Carson MJ. (2011) LPS-induced CCL2 expression and macrophage influx into the murine central nervous system is polyamine dependent. Brain Behavior and Immunity 25:629-639.
- Ploix CC, Noor S, Craine J, Masek K, Carter W, Lo DD, Wilson EH, Carson MJ. (2011) CNS-derived CCL21 is both sufficient to drive homeostatic CD4+ T cell proliferation and necessary for efficient CD4+ T cell migration into the CNS parenchyma following Toxoplasma gondii infection. Brain Behavior and Immunity 25:883-896.
- Melchior B, Garcia AE, Hsiung BK, Lo KM, Doose JM, Thrash JC, Stalder AK, Staufenbiel M, Neumann H, Carson MJ. (2010) Dual Induction of TREM2 and tolerance-related transcript, Tmem176b in amyloid transgenic mice: implications for vaccine-based therapis for Alzheimer's disease. ASN NEURO 2:e00037.
- Schmid CD, Melchior B, Masek K, Puntambekar SS, Danielson PE, Lo DD, Sutcliffe JG, Carson MJ. (2009) Differential gene expression in LPS/IFNgamma activated microglia and macrophages: in vitro versus in vivo. J Neurochem 109 suppl 1: 117-125.
- Thrash JC, Torbett BE, Carson MJ. (2009) Developmental regulation of TREM2 and DAP12 expression in the murine CNS:implications for Nasu-Hakola disease. Neurochem Res 34:38-45.
- Carson MJ, Bilousova TV, Puntambekar SS, Melchoir B., Doose JM and Ethell IM. (2007) A rose by any other name?: The potential consequences of microglial heterogeneity during CNS health and disease. Neurotherapeutics 4: 571-579.
- Carson MJ and Lo DD. (2007) Perspective is everything: an irreverent discussion of CNS-immune system interactions as viewed from different scientific traditions. Brain Behavior and Immunity 21:367-373.
- Schmid CD, Sautkulis LN, Danielson PE, Couper J, Hasel KW, Hilbush BS, Sutcliffe JG, Carson MJ. (2002) Heterogeneous expression of the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-2 on adult murine microglia. J Neurochem. 83:1309-1320.
- Ploix C, Lo D, Carson MJ. (2001) A ligand for the chemokine receptor CCR7 can influence the homeostatic proliferation of CD4 T cells and progression of autoimmunity. J Immunology 167:6724-6730, 2001.
- Carson MJ, Reilly CR, Sutcliffe JG, Lo D. (1998) Mature microglia resemble immature antigen-presenting cells. Glia 22:72-85.